Are you considering adopting a terrier dog? Here are some facts to consider first because it varies a lot how much shedding you should expect.
Here are the terrier breeds that shed the least and the terriers that sheds a lot.
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8 Terrier Breeds That (Almost) Don’t Shed
Let’s first clarify one thing. There is no such thing as dogs that don’t shed at all. All dogs are shedding some amount unless we are talking about hairless dogs.
So let’s get started and take a look at some of the cute terrier breeds that shed the least.
1) Australian Terrier
Even though the Australian Terriers aren’t referred to as hypoallergenic dogs they do shed very little.
It’s a small and sturdy breed and it is very easy to be around.
The coat is fine in short and as long as you brush it and come once a week you will be fine. It’s one of the dog breeds that sheds the least actually and this is also why they have become so popular among dog owners.
Just like the other Terriers in this list, the hair isn’t too long and the dog is too big either. This means that the amount of shedding his kept to a minimum because we are talking about small hairs in small quantities.
Just perfect for people living in apartments and docs that are mostly kept indoors.
That being said, you should always allow your dog to get fresh air every day. Otherwise, you might experience that they start shedding more frequently because they need to adjust to the seasons. When the dog cannot sense the amount of sunshine and heat outdoor they will not know when to shed the winter coat.
This will often lead to extensive shedding all-year round.
2) Boston Terrier
The Boston Terriers are really popular.
And with good reason.
They look extremely cute and they have a very short coat that is easy to maintain and groom. This is also why they aren’t shedding much.
They are often referred to as a hypoallergenic breed which means they are great for people with allergies to pet hair.
Like most other docs, they will shed the most during early fall and spring when they are changing the winter coat for the summer coat. But as long as you are feeding your terrier with a good diet that is rich in fatty acids it will only shed a little bit.
3) Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkshire Terriers are really cute. They are so small you can actually carry them in the purse.
They have a rather long coat so you will need to do some brushing and grooming once in a while but they hardly shed at all. So they are a great option if you’re looking for a small terrier that doesn’t fill your house with hair and fur.
You can also choose to trim down the length of the hair in order to get it more short-haired Yorkshire terrier. They also look really cute when you trim the hair and you will (probably) need to get some professional help in order to get it done properly.
4) Bedlington Terrier
Even though the Bedlington Terriers don’t shed a lot they do require quite a lot of grooming.
This is because we are dealing with a special type of coat here which is very furry and fluffy. This is also what makes this dog very unique. If you’re not skilled in dog grooming you will do fine by taking this little fella to see a professional groomer monthly.
It’s not the dog for you if you are allergic to dog dander because they are typically not categorized as hypoallergenic. This is because they do shed a little bit even though it’s easy to contain.
As you probably know, terrier dogs can have quite a lot of temperament and this is a good example of a terrier that is calmer.
It also has a very distinguished look with the fur that almost looks like a little lamb.
It’s super cute and very feminine but It’s not a dog that’s fragile. It’s a sturdy and strong dog when you take the size into the equation.
5) Dandie Dinmont Terrier
This is another unique terrier breed. it looks almost like a Panda bear when you look at the face due to the black rings around the eyes.
Very Cute.
It’s not the terrier on this list that sheds the least but it does shed very little compared to other breeds.
You should expect to brush this dog at least every second day to remove the dead hair and to keep the furry and fluffy coat in order. It will easily be tangled up because the hair on the head is pretty long.
So, it’s important to always use a curry brush before you use any de-shedding tools. You can read more here about exactly which brushes and de-shedding tools we recommend.
Just like the York Shire Terrier, this is a terrier breed which is a bit smaller than the other breeds. So the amount of shedding from this dog will be even less than the other Terriers. Simply because the dog is smaller so there is less hair to begin with.
6) Wire Fox Terrier
This is a wire-haired terrier breed. Almost all the wirehaired dog breeds shed a lot less than short-haired and long-haired breeds. So this is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a dog that hardly sheds at all.
This terrier is a strong-willed and very skillful dog which was originally bred in order to chase foxes into their underground burrows.
This is also why the breed is wirehaired. The wirehaired coat is strong and it’s easy to maintain. You don’t have to do a lot of grooming here but if you want to, you can even cut down the length of the hair little bit to reduce the amount of shedding.
This should be done by a professional groomer unless you know exactly what you’re doing.
7) Tibetan Terrier
If you’re looking for a terrier dog with long hair that doesn’t shed much, this is the optimal choice.
It probably doesn’t strike you as the type of dog that sheds very little because we often think these long-haired dogs as shedding monsters.
That being said, they do require a lot of grooming because the hair is long.
You will need to brush it regularly and you will also need to use a curry comb often in order to detangle the knots in the hair. It’s impossible to avoid tangling when we are talking about small and active dogs with long hair.
It does have a double-coat so you will have some extra shedding in the early spring and late fall. This is because the undercoat will fluffy up in order to create more insulation (under the external fur) during the winter.
The Tibetan Terriers have a wide variety of colors and patterns which makes every dog even more unique.
Because of the long hair, you will need to do some trimming once in a while. This is also because the hair has a long growth cycle so the hair becomes longer.
When the little puppy turns 8-9 months old the Tibetan Terrier will shed the puppy coat so during this period you will always have extensive shedding no matter what. This is the deal with every dog breed on the planet, which we will get back to in a second.
8) Scottish Terrier
We have placed the Scottish terrier at the bottom of the list of Terriers that don’t shed a lot. This is because it doesn’t shed a lot but will make a bit more mess than the others above.
We are still in the very low end of the shedding scale compared to your average dog.
You will need to brush the dog several times a week especially during the shedding season. If you manage to do so you won’t have a lot of dog hairs ending up inside your house.
The Scottish terrier is also a double-coated dog so it will shed more extensively during the early spring in late fall.
3 Terrier Breeds That Do Shed
Even though most terrier breeds are not shedding very much that is actually the few of the Terriers that do.
1) Jack Russell Terrier
The check Russell terrier can shed quite a bit. Especially when the season changes and it’s ready to shed the winter coat for the summer coat.
The small hairs are really stiff and almost like little needles so they are easy to spot. This is also why people normally comment that Jack Russell Terriers do shed quite a lot. Simply because it’s very easy to spot the hair on the floor or on the furniture.
When you keep the Jack Russell terrier in your house or apartment you will need a lint roller in order to clean your clothes every morning.
You should brush Your Jack Russell terrier daily in the shedding season and at least every second day outside the shedding season. You can read more here about when the shedding seasons’ peak.
2) Bull terrier
Bull terriers are notoriously known for shedding a lot (compared to other terriers).
You might not think they should too much because they are after all the terrier breed and the hairs are short, but you would be fooled to think so.
The short and rough hair of the bullies will stick into everything like your clothes and furniture.
When you compare the Bull terrier to other very coming dog breeds such as Labradors or Golden Retrievers, they are not shedding too much. Remember, this is a rather small dog even though it is very muscular and strong.
You would have MUCH more dog hair all over the place if you chose a Labrador instead of a Bull terrier.
3) Miniature Bull terrier
We also have the Miniature Bullterrier which is its own separate breed.
A very cute little fella that looks a lot like the Bull terrier. It has a very fine and smooth coat that does need some attention.
It really sheds a lot and you need to brush it daily.
How Much Do Terrier Puppies Shed?
Puppies always sit a little more than grown dogs. This is because the puppy coat is a little thinner than the coat that grows out eventually.
All puppies have only one layer of hair when they are puppies. Many breeds will develop a double-layered coat when they change the puppy coat for the adult coat.
When it’s time to shed the puppy coat you will have extensive shedding for several weeks.
This typically happens when the puppy is between us 7 to 9 months old and it will last for quite a while. At least several weeks. There’s nothing you can do about this. All puppies will have to shed their puppy coat eventually in order to grow out the adult coat.
But when the adult code has grown out you are out of the woods. Now you won’t have a dog with a coat the doesn’t shed much, as long as we are talking about the terrier breeds we have listed in this article.
It’s important to be very gentle when you are brushing the puppy. The skin can still be fragile and we don’t want to use any de-shedding tools that are meant for getting into the undercoat. Remember, that the puppy doesn’t have an undercoat yet. That won’t grow out until the terrier has shed the puppy coat.
How To Decrease Shedding For Terrier Breeds
Terrier breeds have a tendency to get the dead hair stuck in the fur. This is also a part of the reason why Terriers don’t shed much. When the hair falls out of the skin it doesn’t immediately leave the coat. It just gets stuck there.
This is also why you need to brush your terrier regularly in order to get rid of the dead hair.
It’s really a great thing because by keeping the dead hair in the coat it won’t end up in your furniture.
But eventually, the dead hair will obviously fall out of the coat. So you need to keep brushing the dog weekly even though it doesn’t shed much.
That’s a great way to decrease the amount of shedding for any terrier.
A Great Trick to Reduce the Shedding Indoor…
If your dog is shedding more than usual it’s a great idea to use anti-itch shampoo. This way you can limit the amount of hair that ends up on your sofas and floors.
Use a good de-shedding tool (more below) to get the hairs off outdoors or in the shower. And then you can use this shampoo to make sure the dog doesn’t scratch itself too much indoor.
You can find the anti-itch shampoo we recommend here. Check also our helpful list of must-haves for dog owners here. It’s a great checklist to run through!
When we are talking about the long-haired Terrier breeds and the wirehaired breeds we need to do some brushing in order to get rid of tangles. This is really important because if you don’t do this the hair form into knots which can fall off or start irritating the dog.
Terriers are small and active dogs so when you’re are dealing with the breeds with long hair you need to do some brushing. You can do this with the “curry comb brush” which we recommend here.
Other than that, you should just make sure to wash your dog with a good shower every month. This will get rid of all the dirt inside the fur. You shouldn’t shower your dog too frequently. That will remove the fine oils that keep the moisture balance in the skin and the coat. You can read more here about how often you can shower your dog.
Why Does My Terrier Suddenly Start Shedding?
Even though the terrier breeds are very famous for not shedding much it doesn’t mean that they cannot do so.
There can be several reasons why your terrier suddenly starts shedding and here are some of the most common reasons.
- Bad diets
If your terrier is not given a proper diet that is based on the meat primarily, it might start shedding. All dogs need good nutrition, oils, fatty acids, and vitamins from that good solid meal in order to keep the hair and fur healthy. - Mites and other parasites
If your dog has been bitten by mites or other parasites it might also start shedding more. It’s really important to pay close attention to the dog when this happens. It needs to be taken to the vet immediately to get the mites off. It can cause skin irritation from the bites of the mites and the dog might also start scratching itself because the skin becomes very itchy. - The dog might be stressed
Stress and anxiety can also cause any dog to start shedding. And Terriers are no exception here. If you see expect the dog is being stressed out you need to give it some rest for a couple of days. Your terrier will not do well in that environment where there are many new people (or animals for that matter) passing by all the time. - Lack of fresh air
When we are talking about the terrier breeds with double-coated fur we want them to get as much fresh air as possible. These breeds have come from cold regions and they need to be able to detect the changing seasons in order to know when to change their coat.
All double-coated dogs will need to change the winter coats to a summer coat and in order for the dog to detect when this should happen it needs access to sunshine and fresh air.
You can read more about the most typical reasons why dogs suddenly start shedding extensively here.
It’s a really great article that dives into the specific reasons why dogs start to shed too much as well as quick solutions you turn to.